Using our service, travelers no longer have to search hotel websites one by one to find the best deals and lowest rates. Once you find the supplier suitable for your needs, we link you through to the supplier website to book directly.
More hotels.More rates. More availability
Our search engine features over 2,500,000 hotel deals from over 100 merchants. |
Check-out the hotel Before you Check-in
We provide milions of high quality hotel images, hotel descriptions and maps as well as customer reviews. |
Save Time. Save Money
We find the best available hotel deals. What's more we compare full price data including taxes, fees and rebates. |
Book directly from supplier
Once you find the supplier suitable for your budget, we link you through to the supplier website to book directly. |
How to Use our Site?
Step 1: We do the Search so you don't have to!
What does this mean? Well basically it means that we aggregate results from major hotel chains and travel sites such Expedia, Travelocity,,, Priceline, (and many more) into one simple and friendly interface. We eliminate the hassle of searching hotel websites one by one looking for the perfect deal. Instead of one price we'll show you several prices for the same hotel, resort, apartment, vacation rental, b&b, inn or hostel from many suppliers, allowing you to choose the one that best matches your budget. We search the hotel websites directly and in real-time ensuring you receive the latest rates and availability.
To perform a search on our accommodation meta-search engine you'll first need to enter your destination and travel details here.
Step 2: Refine Your Search
- Wait for our system to finish searching all the major travel providers. Browse the results and sort them according to your needs. Use the left side filters to narrow down the results. For eg. use "Location Distance" to choose a hotel near your desired landmark or point of interest. Deselect "hotels without prices" box if you do not want to include the properties unavailable for the selected period in the results. View hotel accommodation prices in the "Currency" of your country or select from a list of other global currencies. If you already know to which chain or hotel brand your accommodation belongs to, use the "Hotel Brand" feature to filter the search. "Hotel Features" let you choose the minimal amenities your accommodation should have. We recommend selecting a few major amenities from the list (eg. Airport shuttle, Fitness Room, High-speed Internet, Hotel Parking, Pets Allowed, Hotel Room Service) if there are to many results. Wheter you are looking for an apartment, bed & breakfast accommodation, vacation rental or hostel use the "Property Type" to filter this list.
- Browse the hotels detail page and compare the descriptions, photos, maps and reviews. All reviews and ratings are from verified, paying customers. All the guest ratings has an average overall score based on hotel Cleanliness, Dining, Facilities, Location, Rooms and Service.
- Compare accommodation rates from verified and trust-worthy travel providers. Compare side by side the cost of the hotel per night, taxes & fees applied by the booking site and total costs. Click the "Room Types" to view all the different rooms provided by every booking site.
Step 3: Book directly at the source
Finally, make use of all this information and choose the right hotel deal to make your reservation. We link you through to the supplier to book directly. From this point on, you're dealing directly with the travel site. Any queries you have regarding reservations, amendments, cancellations or hotel specific information must be directed to them.
For more details about our suppliers click here..
* Please note - GetRates™ is free to use. We do not alter the rates in anyway: we are not involved in the pricing process and we do not change the prices displayed by the reservation websites. We are all about finding the best deal for your preferred hotel!