ory of division, which led to a remarkable
diversity, which you can see across the states that make up the
Federal Republic.
According to stereotypes, the germans are apathetic, just eating sauerkraut
and sausages, drinking liters of beer every day and have no sense of humor.
If you visit Germany you will discover a tolerant people, educated and friendly.
Because of the nazi history, the patriotism is still a sensitive issue for
older generation, that still seeks its national identity. The germans are a
cosmopolitan people and like to travel all over the world, if possible several
times a year. Seem to be very honest and appreciate honesty and credibility.
Good manners are important in Germany, but without ceremony and falsehood,
but considering the situation and personalized.
Popular things to Do & See in Germany
• Do not miss the german parliament (Reichstag) reconditioned by british
architect Norman Foster, or the Branderburg Gate. Both are symbols of the German
unity and are located close to the place where it was, until 1989, the Berlin
• Take a walk along the Wall, marked by a trail from the Brandenburg
Gate to Potsdamer Square, which is now a modern city center. There still are
some fragments of the old Wall.
• Visit the Berlin Wall Museum (Mauermuseum) at Checkpoint Charlie,
where people, during the Cold War, used to cross from East to West and vice
• Take a river cruise on the Rhine in Koblenz, with its fortifications
on the hill, across the street from the place where the river Moselle flows
in Bingen, passing by fairytale castles, picturesque villages and 120m height
Lorelei Rock, legendary shelter of the siren that draw sailors to perdition.
• Head southwest of Bavaria near Füssen near the Austrian border,
to see the fantastical Neuschwanstein castle, built in the 19th century by
the Bavarian King Ludwig II (King Ludwig the Mad).
• Visit the island of Mainau located on the northern shore of Lake Constance,
with many historic buildings and colorful roofs. Owned by a private foundation,
the island is full of gardens and is famous for its spectacular flowers.
• Admire the jewelry, sculptures and many riches of the Green Vault
(Grunes Gewolbe) in Dresden, which houses collections of August the Strong
of the 18th century and which is on the UNESCO World Heritage list.
• Travel to Freiburg, one of the most romantic university cities in
Germany, gateway to the Black Forest and the place where lies the gothic cathedral
and its magnificent tower. Located on the Neckar River, Heidelberg is the oldest
university city in the country.
• Marvel at the rich cities registered on the list of UNESCO World Heritage
Site - Bamberg in northern Bavaria, Goslar in lower Saxony and the former hanseatic
port Lubeck, situated on the baltic coast.
• Enjoy the relaxed atmosphere of the historic district Romer, located
in Frankfurt am Main, in opposition with the tall and bright buildings of the
modern city.
• Visit the 1000 years old city of Weimar, which hosted many figures,
including Goethe, Luther, Bach, Liszt, Wagner and Schiller. The city is an
important center for culture and history that has passed its heyday in XVIII
- XIX century.
• Take the train from Freiburg to Hochschwarzwald scenery (Upper Black
Forest), a popular place for winter sports, hiking, sailing and walking.
• Explore the past history of Germany at the Pergamon Museum in Berlin,
which contains artifacts and collections of Islamic art. This museum is surrounded
by other interesting museums and galleries.
• Admire fireworks from the river shore during the festivals of the
Rhein in Flammen (Rhine in Flames) that occur throughout the summer in various
parts of the river.
• Venture to the Harz Mountains, Black Forest and Bavarian Alps, some
of the best parts of the country for hiking, skiing and other winter sports.
• Take your kids to visit the Europa Park, the largest theme park in
Germany, located in Rust near Freiburg. Here is the tallest roller coaster
in Europe.
• Visit one of the many vineyards on the banks of the rivers Rhine and
Moselle Necklar, following one of the wine roads (Weinstrassen) in the region.
• If you are in Germany before Christmas, take your time and visit the
Christmas markets (Weichnachtsmarkt) which are held in almost every city. Hot
wine and baked apples are always present.
• Germany is one of the largest consumers of beer in the world. Enjoy
the many varieties of beer at the Oktoberfest festival that takes place in
late September and attracts 6 million visitors to the Bavarian capital every
• Every year in late August is celebrated the Cooking Fish Festival
(Backfischfest) in Worms and is the largest beverage and food festival on the
banks of the Rhine. It is dedicated to the guild of fishermen, the oldest organization
of its kind in Germany.